Thursday 15 September 2016

Location Idea for filming trailer

I found an abandoned caravan nearby where I live and I thought that it would be a great location for filming some parts of my trailer or taking photos for the poster or magazine cover. I love the broken windows, flat tyres, dirty walls and how there are many personal objects inside, such as shoes, clothes, food, mugs, cutlery etc. It also includes a candle stick holder which looks very eerie. There are many gardening items inside, such as saws, forks, hammers etc which could be used as weapons in the trailer.

One narrative I could use for my trailer is a story about a zombie/ghost girl who could've died in a horrible way, and she lives in this caravan, and when people walk through the woods at night time or when they walk past her caravan, she has to torture them in some way for trespassing and disturbing her privacy.

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