Friday 23 September 2016

Photo ideas for magazine/poster

I took these images myself, and I chose them as I thought that they could be used in different ways in my poster or magazine cover as secondary images, or even still ideas for filming angles for my trailer.

Mysterious shadows/silhouettes. These create an ominous atmosphere, as we don't know who that person is, what they're doing or where they are.

Eerie grand filming locations. In many horrors, such as The Woman in Black and The Boy are located in mansions, often because the people inside them feel vulnerable as they don't know who else is in the big house with them.

Candles are good in horror, as normally they are used in the dark and don't give off much light, giving a mysterious un-nerving feel creating shadows, where protagonists may see things which might be in their head or real.

Drug use in horror can be very interesting, as it gives different effects to different characters. A film that I think of for this is "The Facility".

Different types of lighting, such as high-key or low key. Typically in horror they use low-key lighting, as it creates shadows, darkness and the un-known.

Dark locations, so that protagonists can't see what's coming for them.

Damaged objects/locations in horror, showing violence or old locations where ghosts or spirits may live.

Establishing shot- showing the dark location of the film.

Isolated locations, so that protagonists are vulnerable and stranded if anything did happen- no help anywhere.

Showing different expressions for different characters.

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