Wednesday, 21 September 2016

My Trailer Narrative

A young teenager got kicked out of her home years ago as he parents didn't love her. To this day she is still out there, wanting peace and love. She lives in a caravan in the woods with many weapons and personal belongings from other victims in her caravan. If people walk past her caravan, she has to draw them in somehow. If she likes them, they have to spend time with her and she chooses what she does to them. If she doesn't like them, she sees it as disturbance, and she has to torture them as soon as possible. She is invisible during the daytime as she hides, but at night she sits in her caravan, humming and singing to herself until someone comes along. They have no idea at first, and she shares her life story with them whilst possessing them.

Trailer ideas:
Establishing shot in woods then in caravan.
Slow fades in and out with simple piano music with a cold feel to it.
We later meet trespassers in the woods.
We see the girl peeping out of her window.
Sudden black out.
"I will get them."
Visuals of people falling over with things like trees falling on top of them.
See more panic from the trespassers. Are trapped in the woods and can't get out.
Point of view shot from a victim running. We hear heavy breathing and the camera is hand-held and sharp.
Black out.
Heart noises.
Music builds up more tension. Cuts become faster and we see more and more things happening to the victims in the woods.
Sudden silence.
"Don't go near the woods."
*Scream* to finish.

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