Paranormal Activity are a series of psychological horror films starting from 2007. They have a very iconic filming style, as they seem very naturalistic. The cameras are usually hand-held and shaky, as if the actors aren't actors and are making home videos or vlog footage. They are also normally families in their houses, once again referencing to isolated locations.
The films start normally, but further on in the film more thing start happening, such as things being moved or broken in the house to seeing ghost figures to people being thrown against the wall violently without knowing why. They also use point of view and subject filming to get the audience as involved in the films as possible. They often use CCTV type footage which creates a very naturalistic feel to the film, making it scarier for normal viewers watching.
When I watched the Paranormal Activity films, I really liked how they were structured differently and in a more casual/relaxed way as I had never seen another horror film series like this before. I like how these films establish the characters in-directly like in normal horrors- we learn their names differently through the casual chatting through friends outside or family inside the house. It inspired me to use similar footage in my trailer, such as friends walking in the woods holding the camera, then the audience hear screaming and the camera suddenly drops to the floor. Also outdoor CCTV footage could be effective, or police tracking the area through naturalistic cameras.
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